MSD Medical Affairs in the Middle East region convened an educational event for physicians in the JEMEL countries titled: “Vaccine hesitancy in the COVID-19 era” on September 25, 2021. BP2C Executive Director Dr. Scott Ratzan served as one of the speakers, discussing “Advancing vaccine confidence post the COVID era – unpacking hesitancy and building vaccine literacy,” alongside Dr. Ghassan Dbaibo of Lebanon on the “Impact of COVID-19 on VCR in the Region.”
BP2C Executive Director Dr. Scott Ratzan’s presentation can be downloaded here.
The full list of speakers included:
Professor Abdelatif Bensenouci
President of the Algerian Pediatric Society
Former head of Pediatric department at University Hospitals Isaad Hassani de Beni Messous (Algiers)
Professor Mohamed Bouskraoui
Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Cadi Ayyad – Marrakech, Morocco
President of SOMIPEV (Société Marocaine d’Infectiologie Pédiatrique et de Vaccinologie) and INFOVAC Maroc
Dr Ghassan Dbaibo
Professor and Vice-Chairman, Department of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine
Head, Division of Pediatric Infectious Diseases & Director, Center for Infectious Diseases Research
Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics at American University of Beirut
Dr Yemisi Falope
Associate Scientist Post-doctoral fellow vaccine Confidence at Merck
MD from the University of Jos in Nigeria
MPH in Global Health and Ph.D. in Community and Family Health from the University of South Florida in Tampa
Professor Khalil Abdel Khalek
Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University
Deputy Manager of the Cairo University Specialized Pediatric Hospital.
The founder and CEO of Tabibi 24/7
Dr Scott Ratzan
PRINCIPAL, Institute for the Advancement of Health & Well-being, LLC, Princeton, New Jersey.
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF, Journal of Health Communication: International Perspectives
Co-founder, the CONVINCE Initiative, COVID-19 New Vaccine Information Communication and Engagement