This training session, held on January 25 and organized by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and Business Partners to CONVINCE introduced ICC’s global network of national committees and chambers, as well as interested colleagues, to the global CONVINCE initiative, and, more specifically, the private sector arm of CONVINCE, Business Partners to CONVINCE (BP2C). A full event recording of the event is now available on our YouTube channel ICC | BP2C Event “The COVID-19 Vaccine and the Role of Business” – YouTube and is available to view directly below:
The private sector can play a pivotal role in addressing vaccine uptake with its extensive reach and the high level of trust imbued in employers by their employees. Many companies have already stepped up to make their workplaces safer, provide guidance on how to keep themselves and their families safer, and provide up-to-date information from health professionals to follow the science.
The discussion included:
- A global status update on vaccine hesitancy and uptake, including results from the most recent global vaccine hesitancy survey
- An overview of the global CONVINCE initiative and its regional structure and initiatives
- A review of Business Partners to CONVINCE (BP2C) resources for ICC networks and chambers
- An introduction to the BP2C Global COVID-19 Workplace Challenge
The event featured the following speakers:
- John W.H. Denton AO, ICC Secretary General
- Julian Kassum, ICC Global Partnerships & Development Director
- María Fernanda Garza, ICC First Vice-Chair
- Scott Ratzan, BP2C Executive Director, CONVINCE Co-Founder